  • Solar Harvest by PMG

Solar Harvest 採電學社

Solar Energy Support Scheme for Schools and Welfare Non-Governmental Organizations 學校及非政府福利機構太陽能支援計劃

Brief introduction about Solar harvest to the principals of the eligible schools 給全港各校校長的採電學社內容簡介

Objective of the scheme
To subsidise and assist schools and welfare NGOs in installing small-scale solar PV systems at their premises


Non-Government primary, secondary and special schools as well as kindergartens which are non-profit-making, including aided, caput, Direct Subsidy Scheme; kindergartens joining the kindergarten education scheme and non-profit-making private schools

Welfare NGOs which are receiving recurrent subventions from the Social Welfare Department (SWD)

Assistance to be provided under the Scheme

(1) One-stop service to help eligible schools and welfare NGOs install small-scale solar PV systems at their premises

(2) Facilitate the handling of Feed-in Tariff (FiT) applications for participating schools and welfare NGOs

(3) Installation costs and costs of professional services will be fully covered by the Government

Scope of the scheme

Only solar PV system is covered, with installed capacity of around 10kW; system with installed capacity of above 10kW will also be considered on a case-by-case basis

Installation of new solar PV system

Installation/replacement of components of existing solar PV system

Solar PV systems for installation on rooftop, land and other locations can be considered

The Scheme will provide educational kits, such as real-time monitoring and display systems, for educational purposes related to renewable energy systems.

Operation and maintenance of the system

Schools and welfare NGOs:

(1) will be the owner of the solar PV systems installed under the scheme

(2) will need to undertake to operate the solar PV systems installed under the scheme for the entire lifetime of the solar PV systems concerned or up to end of 2033, whichever is the earlier

(3) will need to bear the costs of the on-going operation and maintenance of the solar PV systems, as well as eventual removal of the solar PV systems at the end of the systems' service lives

(4) shall make use of the FiT payments received or other funding sources to finance the on-going maintenance of their solar PV systems

PMG offers One-year defects liability period with repair and maintenance services; provide a budget for the second year of maintenance services for schools or welfare NGOs to choose

Processing of applications

Submission of expression of Interest (EOI) form with supporting documents (e.g. framing diagram, slab details, beam details, building plans, electrical wiring diagram, waterproof records, …, etc.)

Preliminary assessment of eligible schools and welfare NGOs with good potential of installing solar PV systems having considered the supporting documents received

FREE Consultation 69340264 about Site surveys at schools and welfare NGOs
(1)Situation of rooftop or proposed location - availability, safety and accessibility
(2)Solar resources, i.e. sun shading
(3)Structural capability, i.e. records, loading, water leakage
(4)Electrical capability, i.e. records, nearest switch/meter room, capacity of existing electrical installation/network (owner/power companies)


Processing timetable

31 May 2019 (Friday) (Batch 2 applications) -> installation commence in September in 2019 the earliest
By 31 May 2019 (Friday) Submission of EOI forms and supporting documents by eligible schools and welfare NGOs


Request EOI forms
( Expression of Interest (EOI) Form )